Concerts & Workshops 2025

January 5th at 6:45pmIONA Prayer ServiceYorkminster Park Baptist Church, Toronto, ONwith Iona Passage:Sharlene, Celtic harpAnne Lindsay, fiddleEric Robertson, piano Oakville SymphonyFebruary 1 & 2info February 9th at 6:45pmIONA Prayer ServiceYorkminster Park Baptist Church, Toronto, ONwith Iona Passage:Sharlene, Celtic harpAnne Lindsay, fiddleEric Robertson, pianoinfo

island mountain

SHAR CD: Island Mountain

Island Mountain is an eleven minute CD featuring Sharlene’s Island Mountain Suite. This suite, originally written for two harps was commissioned by Island Mountain Arts of Wells, British Columbia for the turn of the millennium. The Suite reflects the stunning landscape and history of the Cariboo Mountains from the ever changing cloud Read more…

SHAR CD: In Night’s Deep Silence

Stillness . Calm . PeaceSpacious ListeningA journey of Christmas and Winter music for anytime of the year!”In night’s deep silencesnow petals falling. stillness.spacious listening.” – Sharlene Wallace Sharlene Wallace, harpGeorge Koller, bass Only available in full as a CD HERE  Produced by George KollerRecorded, mixed and mastered by Bernardo Francisco Cisternas at Read more…